
Table of Contents (Online Help)


Arrears Report

The arrears report gives details of those loans whose loan repayments have been defaulted up to the selected reporting date. 

How to view the arrears report

To get to this screen, go to Loans/Portfolio Reports/Analysis Reports/Arrears Report and a screen will appear looking like the one below:


In the Additional filtering options pop up screen, select the required filter criteria from the drop down boxes, e.g., "LAMOUNT" (Loan Amount), Relational Operator, e.g., "=" (Equals sign) and the Value, e.g., "400,000".

Click the OK button if all the data entered is sufficient.

You will get another pop up information screen showing the filter for the arrears report that was selected. See below:

Click on the Yes command button if it is the right filter to generate the arrears report which will look similar to the following:

N.B: You can only check one option (either detail or summary) to produce an arrears report. It is not possible to check both options at the same time.

Click on the Close command button to exit the menu.

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